Brinell Hardness Testing is an NDT/NDE procedure with a 10-millimetre diameter hardened steel or carbide ball pushed into the surface of the metal being tested, with a 3000 kg-imposed load. The depth to which the ball penetrates the material surface is an indication of the Brinell Hardness Number, which is calculated as follows:

BHN = load in kilograms divided by the spherical area of the indentation in square millimeters (refer to Brinell scale for method of calculation).

This method determines the macro-hardness of metal, particularly those metals with heterogenous compositions.

Certified technicians are available for call-out or long-term assignments. Sigma provides turnkey Brinell Hardness Testing and reporting complete with equipment, consumables, vehicles (mileage), and accommodations required to perform specialized NDT/NDE.